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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/07/28
7:00 PM Town Offices
July 28, 2008
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:  Richard Leone – Chairman, William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup,
            Stephen White – Vice Chairman, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  See copy of agenda attached to minutes.


InterTown Record – Sandra Willard of the InterTown Record commended the people who have worked on the Town of Sunapee web site.  She said it is extensive, easy to navigate, and there is a lot of information.  The people who have done it have done a marvelous job.

She also stated that she is representing the publisher and assures the Board they would value being the vendor for the town notices.  They will be expanding the coverage for Sunapee and it will continue to evolve.  Sunapee, Newbury, and New London are the most active towns for events.  She will continue to cover board meetings and the paper will carry the news regardless of whether they are chosen to publish the notices.

Sonya Land Investments – Bob Anthonyson presented a letter regarding their site plan denial (see copy attached to minutes).  They made a number of adjustments to their original plan and it was denied with a vote of 3 to 2.  The reasons for denial were:  too much for the site and safety issues.  The lot coverage is 45% and they feel the impact would be very low.  There will be no new structures.  There has been only 1 accident on the street since 2003.  They feel the resulting vote was not fair and that the Planning Board members may have prejudged the plan.  They are requesting that the Selectboard override the Planning Board’s decision.

Donna Nashawaty reported that the town attorney has advised the Board of Selectmen not to make judgments on other board’s decisions.  She stated that there is an appeal process.  If they feel it is an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance, they would appeal to the Zoning Board or to the court system.  The Board of Selectmen is not in that loop.

Steve White stated that it seems if they met all the requirements of zoning, the only recourse would be to allow it.  The decision should be based on the merits of the case.  Fred Galllup stated that he attended one meeting and it is difficult to understand if everything has been met because he did not attend all of the meetings.  Bill Roach advised that he attended one meeting so he was not privy to the final decision.  He stated that they should follow the attorney’s advice.

Steve stated that he urged the Planning Board not to consider remarks, but to only consider the merits.  He believes all of the changes that were requested were made and that the Board has to think about how things are based on fairness and not on prejudices.

Fred advised that they have the opinion from the attorney and the applicant should go to the Zoning Board of Appeals or to the court.  He thinks the Board should abide by what the attorney says.

A motion was made by Bill Roach to not overturn the Planning Board’s decision of the case for Sonya Land Investments at 18 Central St.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.

Bill Roach stated that they have to abide by what the attorney advises.

The motion was approved by a vote of 4 in favor and 1 abstention (SW).

7:22 PM

Donna advised that under RSA 91:95B, the Board of Selectmen has to hold a public hearing.  A grant was applied for to hire an Emergency Management Plan Consultant.  They have to pledge time to build the plan.  The consultant would lay out the plan 2 weeks after the money is received.  We have the check for $5,000.00 to update the Emergency Management Plan.

There were no comments from the public.

7:26 PM – The public hearing was closed.

A motion was made by Steve White to accept the $5,000.00 under RSA 91:95B.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.

No one from the committee was in attendance.

County Employees - Dick Leone reported that he asked Ethel Jarvis for a count of the number of County employees from each town in Sullivan County.  He stated that one person from Grantham was interviewed for a position and was asked if Grantham was in Sullivan County.  There are 250 active County employees.  One is from Sunapee, 1 from Springfield, 0 from Grantham, 104 from Claremont, 32 from Charlestown, 45 from Newport, and the rest from other towns and out of state.

Boards and Committees:  Dick advised that he has been asked why they don’t have more young people serving on boards and he thinks the reason is they are busy making a living.  You cannot say they are not interested, they are.  He stated that he thinks they should make an effort to improve contact for noticing meetings and he urged people to go on the web site.  Steve White stated that they are always looking for people to run.  Bill Roach reported that they used to have high school students come to the town meetings and that was done away with.  Fred Gallup stated that the town meetings he went to while in High School were educational and helped him decide to become a Selectman.  Donna advised that she has been involved in the past with youth government days and if the Board would like, she can do that.  The students run for an office at a mock meeting.  They would shadow the actual person for the office they are interested in.  If the Board agrees, she would like to do it again and will contact the school.  The Board members gave Donna the go ahead.  Donna advised that it would entail a week of shadowing town employees, meeting with the Selectmen, etc.

Discuss Changing to InterTown Record – Donna advised the town used the Argus for notices and sometimes they have been placed in the Eagle Times if they needed to meet a deadline.  She read a letter from the Argus about discontinuing the paper.  She stated that the Wednesday edition of the Eagle is to have town items.  She needs direction from the Board on where to publish notices and they need to tell the public where to look.  There is a big difference between a daily and a weekly paper.

Steve White stated that he recommends the InterTown Record as they have made positive steps forward.  Donna advised that the InterTown reporter is the only one she has seen at recent meetings and some events in town.  The cost for a subscription to the paper is $16.00 for 6 months.  She stated she thinks they will be giving free papers to people to expose them to it.  Dick stated that the Shopper would do notices, but would not give coverage with articles.  Bill stated he thinks they should go with the InterTown Record. They have been told they will get coverage in the Eagle, but it is the same company as the Argus and the town did not get good coverage.  They have gotten good coverage from the InterTown Record.

Emma asked if, in addition, should they expand by putting notices on the board at the Sherburne Gym.  Dick advised that is controlled by the elementary school.  Steve stated that it is important to get the public notices out.  Fred advised that he aggress with the choice of the InterTown Record.  From editions he has seen, they cover Sunapee very well.  Reporters come to the meetings.  It is difficult to say what the readership of other papers will be with the Argus going out and in a few years they will have a better idea on what the circulation is.  In 6 months, they may need to use more than one paper.  

Dick asked who owns the InterTown and Sandra Willard advised that Annette Vogel now owns it.  She has spent the last year bringing her own vision to it without making any major changes.  Sandra asked if it would be okay to put complimentary copies of the paper at Town Hall, the Post Office, and the Library.  Donna stated that she frowns on using Town Hall for things with paid advertising, but they could put them in the information booth.  Donna also suggested that they could put them in other businesses such as the 2 pizza places.

Use of Town Facilities:
August 2, 2008, Gazebo, Rockwell 60th Anniversary Party
A motion was made by Steve White to approve.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.

August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2008, Sunapee Harbor, Our Lady of Fatima Quilt Raffle – Sell tickets for quilt raffle.  Donna advised this will be for 5 days from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Steve stated that this should be approved only for town property, not the Riverway property.  Donna advised that the Board also has to sign the authorization to sell raffle tickets.  A motion was made by Steve White to approve the use of the property.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.

Ellie Goddard asked about the August 2, 2008 Rockwell party as there is another event that day and Donna advised that they have been told they have to be done by 4:00 PM.

The motion for Our Lady of Fatima was approved unanimously.

County Apportionments – Donna reported that Sunapee’s portion is 24.81%.  The 2007 equalized valuation is the amount added up and the town’s apportionment is based on that.  She stated that in 2007 the Legislature passed a law allowing renewable energy facilities to do a payment in lieu of taxes.  Wheelabrator is part of that.  In 2007 Wheelabrator’s assessed value was at $15,000,000.00 and the State placed a value of approximately $6,000,000.00 on Wheelabrator.  She stated that if there is inequity in the way the county apportionment is done, they may be able to have the State look at it.  She will meet with an attorney tomorrow regarding this.  Dick Leone gave some background.  He stated there is no consideration for population numbers and usage of the facilities and Sunapee is trying to get them to consider that.  Donna stated that if there is any town with a grand list in the same equalized value range as Sunapee, we would be glad to pay their county bill.  Bill stated that they once talked about leaving Sullivan County and going to another county.  He stated that Sunapee pays more than Lebanon pays to support its county.  Steve advised that Claremont and Newport have voted to write to the Attorney General to intercede as they feel the county has not moved on the budget in a timely fashion and that the caucus held was not ethical.

Sue Gottling advised that they have to do the budget by August 31, 2008.  The highest increase she has heard is 31.9%, but she believes it will be significantly lower.  She stated that the Commissioners will be making a decision tomorrow on insurance and whether they will use Primex or not.  A tentative budget will be looked at tomorrow and they will look at how to lower the deficit further.

Steve advised that he has never seen a county budget in the 7 years he has been on the Board that, somehow, has not been mismanaged.  Fred stated that the worst has been in the last 5 to 6 years and since the county manager left; much more effort is being applied trying to get control on what is going on.  Even though he is appalled by the amount of increase, he is encouraged by reports that they are trying to get the budget under control.  Bill stated he thinks the new person is a big improvement.  He also thinks the county paid an unconscionable amount to Genesis.  There is a new hospital administrator who seems to be on the right path regarding running the county home and maybe things will stabilize.  Fred stated he is encouraged with what the representatives and commissioners have instituted to get control over the finances.

Donna questioned some of the funding mechanisms and asked is someone should call DRA about contra accounts.  Sue Gottling advised they have done that and Donna stated she was told they have not.  Sue will check on it.

Spec Bowers reported that he met with the acting County Manager and was told that they have reduced the tax increase to about 24%.  He also met with the county delegate and they anticipate a final vote on Wednesday.

Volunteer Awards – Donna reported that the Municipal Association is looking for nominations for the Municipal Volunteer Awards.

Right to Know Booklet - Donna advised that the Right to Know booklet is in the Town Clerk’s office.  It has been given to new people being sworn in and will now be given to everyone.  

Decisions – Dick Leone stated that he would like a longer time to think about issues before a decision is made.  Steve advised that there is a Selectmen’s training course available and that they have to look at the merits and make a decision.  He stated that the responsibility of the Selectmen is the health and welfare of the community.  Dick advised that they have to be informed.

Summer Town Meeting – 8/18/08 – Donna reported that the one way loop was in the paper.  She stated that Dick will make the introduction at the meeting and ask if there are any questions on the one way loop if the Board is okay with that.  Steve stated that the walkway made a nice addition and the walking traffic can flow.  He doesn’t think they would get a true test because of the impact of the economy.  He stated that the warrant article was for an engineering study, but it did not say to try one way traffic flow and it seems foolish not to have a trial.  Fred suggested they put up the clockwise chart and explain that the Board decided on that direction and ask for public comments.  Donna stated there will be no vote of the Board that night.  Emma stated she thinks they should give a presentation.  Donna will make the presentation and point out the process to making a decision.  Emma also stated she thinks they should hold the meeting in a different location than the meeting room at Town Hall.  It should be held at the gym or the school where there is more room.  Donna will check with the school on the availability of the cafeteria or the music room.

Gardener Master Plan Hearing – Donna stated that the date of August 11th is not working.  She will advise of the date.  It may end up being on August 11th or it may be later.

Perkins Pond Meeting – Donna advised that the public hearing will be on August 25, 2008 and the engineer will be here.

Wind Turbines After Planning & Zoning Meeting – Donna reported that the Planning and Zoning Boards have set up a committee.  She also reported that there is new legislation effective July 2009 which includes the definition of accessory use.  She is waiting for an interpretation.  The State has defined accessory use for a wind turbine as normal and wind turbines are customary and traditional.  Bill advised there was an article in the Sunday News about 2 different bills that were passed.  Donna advised that in September there will be a standard of policy of what the wording should be.  Emma reported that HB310 has to develop a bulletin which has to be done by September of 2008.  She stated that HB1628 and HB310 address wind turbines.  Fred advised that it is important to establish an avenue for people who want to do this and regulate it properly.

Summer Town Meeting – Spec Bowers asked if the agenda for the summer town meeting will be on the web site and Donna advised that she will post it when she confirms the location.

Old Town Hall Historical Designation Application – Steve White reported that the last email he saw stated that the application was submitted for consideration and that the response was favorable.  Donna advised that the application should come from the town to put it on the historic registry.  She stated that the nomination form needs work.  She will reschedule the meeting with the Old Town Hall Committee for, perhaps, August 11th.

LGC Floor Policy – The Board members agreed to do at the next meeting.

Buffalo Springfield Roller – Fred reported that the roller will be on display at the Historical Society on August 10, 2008.  A presentation will be that evening.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith